Friday, January 13, 2012

Let there be snow

So there was snow yesterday. Of all the things that I am having to adjust to, right from showering in the restricted space of a bathtub to food proportions that can feed the entire population of a small village in Asia, the snow is the most unsettling. The cold, you can live with. Trust me, if I say you can live with the cold, you actually can. I am a summer babe if there ever was. But the snow! It is nice, white, fluffy and pure when it first falls to the ground. It turns everything into a magic fairyland, just like the picture postcards we seee back home. And then, just when you think it is the most beautiful thing you've ever seen, they turn to slush. Grimy, black slush that wets your shoes and feet if you are stupid enough to not wear snow boots. Grimy black slush that is more ugly than normal after the virginal, angelic beauty of the first shower.
And it is here to stay. Unlike in India, where it is summer all the year through in most parts, most of America has winter all the time. Chicago definitely does. And so I am going to take a page out of my mother's life and train my mind to adjust and accept. Over 45 years of experience has taught her that doing so makes everything much more bearable. And I sure need bearable at this time.