Tuesday, October 16, 2007

What of it all?
What of it all?
A question that has been haunting me for quite a long time now...no, not the way ghosts do, but like the vernal showers: intermittently. What of it all? This constant rush to 'keep up', to folow in line with everything, to be accepted as 'cool', to be regarded as someone of worth, to keep up academic scores....numerous things people do...almost kill for to attain....WHY? WHAT OF IT ALL? Is it absolutely necessary to fall in line with the multitude? To go "...muah muah..." and "hieeeeee" when you meet people, like they all do? So what if they think you aren't 'cool' enough? You don't WANT to be one of them, do you? So then, what of it all?
Let them go!!! Make them see their own vacant, stupid selves through your nonparticipation!!!What of them all? They will all be gone with the winds.........sanity would not stay in the world otherwise



There is another breed of people that infest the world. Beware of them. They do not tread the popular path. They do not even try and be a part of all that is established. Oh no!! Infact, they conciously avoid ALL that has been established as norms of this society. Oh yes. Why would they tread even remotely the same path as the silly sick society does? They deserve far better, don't they? They are the breed of cynicism and dangerous superiority. The society, everything about it, and even the people are way beneath them to be a part of it. And they retain the right to insult just about anyone and anybody with a blast of their putridly shallow knowledge base. In fact, they can keep a very well maintained facade of knowledge, hiding behind this facade. We are all too wary of their pungent sarcasm to actually challenge them, aren't we?
Huh, for all their uniqueness, they cut a sorry figure, they do. A person who does not have the minimal ability to adjust to his/her surroundings, treat everyone with courtesy, and attain some shades of humility is a sad creature. For, the essence of a dignified living is in keeping your own, despite being among others, and NOT in consciously secluding oneslef, or ridiculing others.