Tuesday, October 16, 2007

What of it all?
What of it all?
A question that has been haunting me for quite a long time now...no, not the way ghosts do, but like the vernal showers: intermittently. What of it all? This constant rush to 'keep up', to folow in line with everything, to be accepted as 'cool', to be regarded as someone of worth, to keep up academic scores....numerous things people do...almost kill for to attain....WHY? WHAT OF IT ALL? Is it absolutely necessary to fall in line with the multitude? To go "...muah muah..." and "hieeeeee" when you meet people, like they all do? So what if they think you aren't 'cool' enough? You don't WANT to be one of them, do you? So then, what of it all?
Let them go!!! Make them see their own vacant, stupid selves through your nonparticipation!!!What of them all? They will all be gone with the winds.........sanity would not stay in the world otherwise

1 comment:

  1. A god read but a very short one. I would like to appreciate you on your effort to pen-down your thoughts and making it accessible for everyone to read and reflect!


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