Friday, July 18, 2008


Recent happenings have suddenly made me grateful for the smaller blessings in life. No, I didn’t have a near-death experience, nor did my boy-friend cheat on me, for me to discover the blessing of friendship: small fry like me never ever have these Bridget Jones-like experiences. I, on the other hand, woke up on a weekend with a bad eye infection. Now, when you are as myopic as I, anything in the eye makes you panic, and here I was, with a red, watering eye, unable to put on my lenses, and without a spare pair of spectacles.
The doctor in the hospital came as a blessing. It is only when you are in need of people that you realise their worth: sad, but very true, as I realised. Had it not been for the Gentleman-Doctor who not only tended to me, but also dropped in a word with the opticians to supply me with a new pair of glasses ASAP, poor me would have been stuck with a watering, red eye, and partially blind ( I did spend a day with one lens on, so you can imagine!!)
On another note, I also learnt of the virtue of patience, being proactive, and the thin line between being proactive and ‘bugging’ (thankfully, this I learnt at someone else’s expense!). Hah! Sorry, can’t divulge too much ;) But yes, trust me: excitement is in active participation and NOT in passive observation. Who said that? Well, my regards to him (ok, or her). A very keen observation of the multitude that we comprise of, and some degree of hurt (or hopelessness?) must have made that come.
Why? Come on….just look around. We have non-playing cricket experts in almost every home in this country, people who have NEVER even tried the first steps of any dancing course judge people on TV with an élan that would beat Saroj Khan or Thankamani Kutti’s, and do I even need to get started on the numerous daily affairs that people will just 'advise'/question you on?
‘Why are you asleep at 12.30 in the noon?’ (Because I work till 4 in the morning!!) Have you ever faced anything like it? Chances are you haven’t, and hence the question in the first place.
Why this, why that, even why do you watch FRIENDS so many times over and over again!!! Because I LIKE TO, that’s why!! (And because its one of the best things ever to come on TV: this opinion of mine is shared by hundreds of people all over the world, across countries, age groups AND levels of intelligence, so it has to hold some weight, no?)
Well well, let’s not end in that grouchy note: here’s something for all of us to laugh at:-
"I heard somebody say, 'Where's (Nelson) Mandela?' Well, Mandela's dead. Because Saddam killed all the Mandelas" , said George Bush, on the former South African president, (who is still very much alive), Washington, D.C., Sept. 20, 2007.
Sigh!! :) :) :)
At this rate, we can all be presidents one day…….
Take care you all!!

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