Friday, October 25, 2013


A reader told me he did not like my last post as much as the earlier ones and I decided to re read again. And I saw my page of rant had hit 10,047 clicks!
While it is a free widget that calculates traffic for me, there is a setting that has allowed me to discount my own clicks, so I figured this is where I should say thank you.
For clicking, reading, commenting, critiquing  and most importantly, sticking by.
When I started scribbling here, I was in J-school and was living in what would be the second in the line of many adopted cities I'd call home.
10,000 visits later, I'm not in school any more, have lived in two countries, four more cities ranging from a couple of months to a couple of years, met scores of new people, had a few adventures of my own and am hopefully somewhat wiser for that.
Eh, I guess the blog will tell if I am. For now, thanks again. Let's move on before this turns into one of those long, doleful thank you notes. It's a Friday, let's bring out the wine!


  1. I am happy for you, Nivedita. Someday the counter will hit 100,000. And I hope you will be wiser still by then, and not call your own writing 'ranting' any more.

    'Why won't people read?' you asked querulously in the earlier post. My suggestion - forget those who don't and won't. Write for those who do. They matter in a way that the other type doesn't. I have been telling you for a long time now.


  2. Thank you, Sir. I'll keep that in mind.


let me know what you think. it helps.