Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Why I Facebook

Mark Zuckerberg’s brain child now has more than 900 million monthly active users, and chances are it is there that you found this post as well.
900 million—an article I recently read said if that were a country, it would be the third most populous! At least, that is what the latest stats say.
For more details you can always Google the latest news stories or check their filings if you are that fastidious. Or else, you can just trust me and go with it! I won’t link a news article to this blog. Reason one being I think if you are curious enough, you’ll Google it. Reason two, I try to keep my work and blog posts as far separated as possible. As a reporter, I don’t opinionate. As a blogger, that’s all I do.
Well like with anything else, once the first blast of news is done hitting you in the face, people discuss it, and some, even in this day and age, actually try and attempt to go beyond the stats to understand what it means to the everyday man. Don’t pick on me for not saying “woman”, I am not your nitpicking, irritating-to-everyone-else-but-their-own-closed-group kind of feminist and I do have something of a dislike for them.
Anyhow, when some people I know asked me why I Facebook, and presented their ideas on why people should not, it obviously got me thinking.
Here’s this immensely popular social networking tool that seems to have made the world a much much smaller and well connected place than was thought possible. And yet, here are some otherwise very logical, thinking individuals who vehemently oppose its popularity and think it is rotting society in some way. In fact, I also saw billboards inviting people to attend a session titled “is social network making us unsocial?” at the Red line train stop.
I have no desire or will to go and attend that session, but think it’ll be fun to hazard a guess on what the non FB-ing intelligentsia’s problems with the lesser mortals are.
What will be the obvious complaints? “Kids” are always on their phones, FB-ing. Now I am your average working girl with no claims to anything extraordinary, so quite obviously I’m totally in with the multitude. I’m almost always on FB, I have my Blackberry to thank for that, and I have a clinical urge to respond to messages and posts addressed to me. Just like with emails.
And I would like to think it stems from some sense of courtesy. When people talk to you, or ask you something, or include you in a conversation, you respond. If you do not want to, you say “I don’t want to”, or “I think you are a moron, so leave me out of this”, but you still respond. Basic good manners, I say.
That and a bunch of other stuff like my daughter does not talk to me because of FB, I got hit by a truck because I was poking someone etc etc.
Well, here is the thing.
Your daughter does not talk to you because she thinks you are immensely boring, and because you have nothing interesting to say to her that will hold her imagination. Don’t blame it on FB. Don’t blame it on anything, really, other than yourself, because if you had that bond with your kid, s/he would respond. They still do talk to their friends, don’t they? Or to the “cool” teacher from school who is everyone’s favorite? Or the neighbourhood aunt/uncle all the kids love.
You get my drift? Trust me, if there was no FB, the kid would hide in a book, phone, or in anything that could rescue her if she has decided to give you the cold shoulder. The problem lies deeper than that, fix it.
And of course, if you got hit by a truck because you were poking/ commenting while on the road, you are plain stupid. No other words there. If there is one thing that we owe to ourselves, it is to be careful about what can hurt us and what is OK. That you still haven’t been able to figure it out, or are unable to teach your ward the rights and wrongs of life are hardly Zuckerberg’s fault. Just like when my class mate in junior school crashed with his motorcycle, it wasn’t Gottlieb Daimler’s fault.
Oh yeah, my mind has collected enough useless trivia over the years, as I realize intermittently.
Blame the addiction to reading. I remember, as a very young kid I even read the back of the shampoo bottle while my mom would wash my hair. Till she decided to ask me to stop it because I would get shampoo in my eyes while reading and the strange redness would creep her out. I would also cry sometimes, depending on the intensity of the wash.
But I deviate (hey, my blog, my memories!) and I’m sure no one finds an account of a precocious baby getting her hair washed that captivating. So, let’s return to my point.
Which is that, I think most of the so called problems that FB and other social networking sites have given us are really allegations that we can easily ignore. Indeed, if we are honest enough, we might even accept our own shortcomings here and agree that these sites are really not the villains they are often made out to be.
There is only this one “crime” charge that I am not sure I can totally defend social networking from. That of creating shallow bonds and making us lazy. And, of encouraging very bad use of grammar and language. OK, so that makes it more than one. But let me try.
My use of FB grew tremendously in 2010, when I was away from India for the first time, and was phoneless for about a week. FB was an easy and accessible way of keeping in touch with friends and family, and it helped them to know that I was safe and not dead/robbed/raped/dying/sick in some foreign country.
I have kept at it since, and have found many, many long lost friends and acquaintances through it.
One of those people I mentioned among the anti-FB group avoids social networking studiously because that person believes if someone really wants to talk, or cares enough, they will find a way to get in touch without help from a poke/tweet/comment. And say something meaningful in the process. It is a great thought, and as someone who loves reading long emails that are NOT forwards, I totally understand that demand.
But here’s my counter argument. If I really want you in my life, I will definitely find a way. But does it prove anything when you make my attempts more difficult by avoiding a popular platform that could make you more accessible to me?
And what guarantees that the people that do manage to connect with me beyond the shallow “likes” will, in fact write or say anything that is more meaningful?
I once had a teacher who was brave enough to encourage discussion in class. Not a common trait among people anywhere and less likely when your paycheck depends on finishing a syllabus that no one really cares about.
I learnt from him how important it is to hear other people out, and to try and give everyone a fair chance. It might not be the most perfect platform, but I would like to say social media does it. The number of arguments, discussions, conversations I’ve personally had on FB over countless issues that touch our daily lives is proof in itself.
All shallow, you say? How many people in your friends list do you really know about, you ask? Not all, sure. Do I want to be best friends with the girl from school I reconnected with after more than a decade? No. But do I still want to keep in touch and exchange occasional snippets of our lives and share her happiness when she puts up wedding pictures on her wall? Yes!
Would this be possible in an age before FB (or any other social media that you like, but 900 million commands respect. If you haven’t already figured, I’m using FB as the generic term for social media here. Like “Xerox” and “Maggi”)? Having lived in that world, I think we’ll all agree and say “no”.
So shallow bonds with many notwithstanding, it really helps to communicate. And you never know when an acquaintance becomes a good friend, right?
Now the bit about making us lazy—that people would rather wish friends ”happy birthday” on FB and comment on walls than pick up the phone and make it more special. And that people do not remember birthdays unless it is on your calendar.
Guilty as charged. I have done that at times, and I know it is not a good excuse to say I was tired and it was the middle of the night for my friend. But how about this—thanks to the websites, I could at least let my friend know that I tried but was not able to get through, when that was the case. Better than getting lost in a hole of non-communication, no?
So that leaves us with the bad grammar and bad language charge.
*I surrender*


Suhel Banerjee said...

Wonder how I never knew about your phenomenal writing skills at school. A pleasure reading your posts and look forward to more.

Gourav Bakshi said...

Nicely written with an amazing touch of humour. Especially the one where someone gets "poked" by a truck because he was poking a friend on FB.
Another important point is, not always you wish to talk to your friends. Reasons could be many. But the good thing is FB allows you to know about their status and you are kind of kept in the loop. And I dare say, FB is also becoming a good knowledge sharing platform. Many of my friends upload important links to news, blogs, travel, etc and it becomes easily accessible to read, know and learn.

Pratik said...

I like FB most because of the debates that I get into. Got into a long one with you, remember? And we remain friends despite disagreeing. It is seldom possible in real life. Even close friends often don't talk to each other for 2-3 days after an argument. So I daresay Facebook has makde us more respectful towards others' views i.e more democratic. Not Mamata Banerjee of course :)

Koustav said...

Neat. (as always, do i need to specify dat...) Loved it all d more coz it came exactly at a point in time, when i was thinking to pen dwn sumthn like dis... As d 'smileys' keep saving us hiding behind actual grins or frowns... or, after catching a lil' grl shouting LOL instead of laughing... i take Ur cue as any mere mortal wud do... hail Mr Zuckerberg (no scope to deny) and Ms Bhattacharjee -- i tk a bow... ;)

kaushik said...

completely agree with gour. Fb is becoming very important platform for sharing news and blogs. just look into the case of libya,egypt,tunisia and now syria and the impact of social networking can be felt. "shallow" part I think depends on individual use.I never like some one's photo out of courtesy or make some small talks to ppl that I dont want to. ( yeah I know i am rude in that sense. Thats me ). I find fb a place for ppl to satisfy their ego,updating events abt their success,moruning on failure. I like that ( even thought ppl start updating really really stupid stuffs at times, but then who am I to judge.I am sure I do the same ). Howeven I am not sure how to react to the part where you say that "moms" are supposed to be cooler just to catch up conversation with their kids. I mean I dont think I am boring or not "cool" enough. But when I went to india, i was really irritated with my 12 yr old nephew/niece who were perpetually on fb. I am sure you do it from courtesy, but updating really really stupid things all the time !!!! that can get to you ..just yesterday I read a guy ( some random guy, it has become really cool among the kids nowadayas to increase the number of frnds in fb ) asking my niece abt " any update on sex life "??... and my niece reply was " hahaha"..I know at that age, sex can be this huge thing to discuss specially with guys
( well, considering my country, I am sure it is huge even at my age :( ) and I can definitely remember me having one such conversation with my first crush ( at similar age. But having that on fb wall, I consider that pretty idiotic. Sure she is a kid and will learn these things as she grow up,but fb will always open them to this broad world which will have good and bad. So you cannot really blame anything on fb

Unknown said...

Kaushik, I didn't suggest moms turn "cool" to engage kids. I suggest moms and dads actually make an effort to find out how to connect with their children, instead of carrying on inane conversations that almost always include the words "doctor or engineer", "grades", "competition", "pretty", "money" etc etc. I personally know very few parents who have actually introduced their kids to a quality author/movie/hobby and encouraged them to keep at it. and by hobby, I do not mean "you have to learn how to sing because your neighbour does"

Unknown said...

Suhel- what can I say? the world conspired against it! :)

kaushik said...

moon : Okk that totally makes sense. Otherwise I was little surprised from your comment previously ( which i misunderstood as something else). I never had that issue with my parents. so i dont really know. but I can understand that being a muge problem specially during our childhood. I owe that both to my parents as well as to my school

where the mind is without fear and the head is held high..

where the mind is without fear and the head is held high..